The Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club’s 53rd Annual Endurance Run & Lowland Tour
June 8-9,2024

Wow!  Ws that fun or what?!?

It’s hard to believe, but the Santa Clara Valley Model T Ford Club’s 53rd Annual Endurance Run & Lowland Tour is History.  It may be in the past, but it will forever be in the hearts and minds of all who experienced the fun and excitement! 

The weekend started with the Tech Inspection, Vintage Automobile Collection tour and BBQ at Bertolotti’s Garage.  It was a perfect day to get together with friends and see all of the beautiful cars in the collection and the Endurance Run, enjoy some great Texas BBQ, and spin the Wheel for prizes.

On Sunday, everyone gathered at the Veteran Affair’s Medical Center in Palo Alto for the main event.  Everything fell into place according to plan and before you could turn the crank on a Model T, the speedsters and Lowland Tour cars were all in place and ready to go.  After the Driver’s meeting led by Ivan Jorgensen, Bryan Anderson, announced the cars, drivers and mechanics.  Then, the color guard took their place and presented our Nation’s flag while guest singer, Julio Licea, led us in singing our National Anthem.

Then the real fun started when “Drivers, start your engines!” rang out for all to hear.  I drove Lynn Alen’s fire engine and led the speedster in a procession around the cul-de-sac in front of the medical center and to the Start Line.  Dan Erceg waved the speedsters on their way in grand style!  The Lowland Tour followed after getting the green flag from Justin Beach. 

After the lunch stop in Pescadero, the journey continued for both speedsters and Lowland Tour.  Back at the VA Medical Center, cars returned, veterans and staff came out to see the cars, Justin manned the checkered flag, and our announcer, Bryan Anderson, brought ice cream sandwiches for all to enjoy with the brownies and drinks provided by the VA.  It wasn’t long before all were accounted for and assembled in the parking lot for the closing ceremony and announcement of the winners. 

It was a wonderful weekend!  Congratulations to all of the participants who took part in this year’s Annual Endurance Run & Lowland Tour for completing, or attempting to complete, the 142 mile Endurance Run route or the 66 mile Lowland Tour route.  Thanks to all who contributed to making this a fun and exciting event, including all of our volunteers, the VA Medical Center, sponsors, participants, families and friends.  I hope you all took home some happy memories and great stories.  Let’s do it again next year at our 54th Annual Endurance Run & Lowland Tour!

Chris Bhirdo
Chairperson, SCVMTFC 53rd Annual Endurance Run & Lowland Tour

And the Winners Are:

First Place:                Car #9        Vito Batteate and Mike Batteate, Hayward, CA, 1917 Ford Speedster
Second Place:            Car #77      Steve Hite and Jeff Neilsen, Redwood City, CA, 1926 Ford Type A Speedster
Third Place:               Car #80      Gary Bausch and Frank Schembri, Livermore, CA, 1925 Ford Speedster

Rookie of the Year:   Car #81      John Padlo (Carol Padlo), Martinez, CA, 1920 Ford Speedster
Youngest Driver:       Car #312    Kyle Cullinane (David Cullinane), Monte Sereno, CA, 1926 Ford Type B Speedster
Oldest Driver:           Car #626    Jim Pappakostas (Margie Pappakostas), Vallejo, CA, 1923 Ford Type C Speedster
Longest Distance:     Car #1942  Stanley Yeadon (Renee Wagner), Bremerton, WA, 1925 Ford Speedster
Hard Luck:               Car #40      Joe Anino Jr (Aaron Benzo), Placerville, CA, 1925 Ford Speedster

Click on the links below to see the beautiful pictures of the 53rd Annual Endurance Run & Lowland Tour.

Click here for photos provided by Ivan Jorgensen
Click here for photos provided by Rob Guzzetta
Click here for photos provided by Linda Bhirdo
Click here for photos provided by Dan Gulko

Click here for a video provided by Ron Beam